Indicator 8: Clinical governance and Patient Experiences

Criteria Standard Evidence
8.1 The practice ensures there are clear clinical governance, leadership and equity responsibilities, and processes, reflective of disciplines within the practice team.
  • Clinical governance roles and responsibilities written into job descriptions. 
  • A designated champion for equity with role description. 
  • Clinical governance policy and procedure.
 8.2 The practice ensures processes are in place to deliver the four core elements of clinical governance:

  • patient engagement and participation
  • clinical effectiveness
  • quality improvement/patient safety
  • an effective and engaged workforce.
  • Clinical governance meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Clinical governance quality plan, including goals and quality activities. 
  • Practice population experience survey results demonstrate consumer engagement. 
  • Explain the methods used to obtain feedback from all groups in the patient population (including Māori and under-represented groups).