Immigration Medicals

How it works

We provide a convenient all-in-one service for immigration medicals in Christchurch. Patients can have their medical check-up, blood and urine tests and chest x-rays all done here at Doctors on Riccarton through an online service called eMedical.

Immigration NZ has more helpful information, please feel free to visit their website to learn more.

What do I do?

Prior to making an appointment

Make sure you know what immigration medical exams you require. If you are unsure, please find out from Immigration NZ. You can contact them by phoning 0508 55 88 55.

To make an appointment

Please phone our Practice on 03 348 8989 to inquire. There is a 2 step process for making an appointment of the Immigration Medical. First step will require 20 minutes per person to set up the eMedical online and $200 deposit is required for each applicant. At this Paperwork Appointment, we will make an appointment time for the Immigration Medical itself on a later date.

Due to the time required to set-up an eMedical, a $50 cancellation fee applies for each applicant.

The appointment

Your medical exam, blood and urine tests and chest x-ray will all be conducted at our medical centre at one time. Please allow 1.5 hours for the appointment and an additional 0.5 hour for each additional family member.

What you need to bring for your immigration medical

Passport, for photo identification. (Click here for more information on photo IDs or if you do not have a passport available.)
Prescription eyewear if you use them (glasses or contact lenses)
Medication list and/or medical specialist reports

Passport Identification

It is a requirement of Immigration New Zealand that we ensure that the person who presents for the medical examination is the same person identified on the medical certificate. This is done by passport identification. It is the only acceptable form of ID. If this is not available, and there is a good reason for this, we can complete the Immigration Medical with a copy of your passport. However, we will need to inform Immigration New Zealand that we did not sight an original copy of your passport and they will investigate this further.

Before the Appointment

Drink plenty of water before you come in as you will need to do a urine test. Please DO NOT go to the toilet before doing the urine test.
If you have not had your photo taken, arrive 20 minutes early to your appointment so that your photo can be taken. New patients also need to fill in forms. If you are coming as a group, allow 20 minutes for each person (eg 3 people require 1 hour for the registration process).
If you need an Interpreter for immigration medicals, please call Interpreting NZ on 0508 468 377, or book online via  Interpreting NZ will charge you for this service. If you have limited English, we recommend that you bring a registered interpreter rather than a family member or friend.

Remove any jewellery which will interfere with the X-ray image, including necklaces and long ear rings.

After the Appointment

Blood tests and X-ray results are sent away for reporting.

If the test results are normal, they take up to 2 working days to be reported. Reporting takes longer if results are abnormal.

Once the results are reported

If they are normal, we will complete the report online and electronically submit it to Immigration NZ. It is your responsibility to double check that the online medical has been submitted.

If the results are abnormal, or if you have any medical condition requiring further investigation or testing, you will need to see the doctor again to discuss these. We will not order any tests unless it is required by Immigration New Zealand or clinically indicated. We will usually inform you if any extra tests or specialist reports are required. There will be charges for these consultations and any extra tests required.

Submitting the Immigration Medical to Immigration NZ

We will electronically submit the medical report to Immigration NZ. If you provide us with an email address, then you will be notified when this is done. Immigration Medicals are only valid for 3 months from the date the doctor has validated and submitted this report.


For more information on Immigration Medicals, check out the other immigration pages list below:

Immigration Fees
Immigration FAQs