Patient Rights and Privacy

Patient Rights

The Code (Summary)

The Health and Disability Commissioner’s website provides information regarding your rights when you see a health professional. Information is published in many different languages. Please click here for more information.

The ten rights of patients.

Right 1: The right to be treated with respect.

Right 2: The right to freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation.

Right 3: The right to dignity and independence.

Right 4: The right to services of an appropriate standard.

Right 5: The right to effective communication.

Right 6: The right to be fully informed.

Right 7: The right to make an informed choice and give informed consent.

Right 8: The right to support.

Right 9: Rights in respect of teaching or research.

Right 10: The right to complain.

Everyone using a health or disability service has the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer’s Rights and the Health Information Privacy Code. Please click here for a copy of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. Please click here for a copy of the Health Information Privacy Code.

Please click here for Your rights in different languages.

Support Person

Right 8 in The Code

You have the right to have a support person with you at consultations. The support person (or chaperone) can be a family member, friend, or a member of staff. If you want a member of staff to accompany you during the visit please let the receptionist know when you arrive for your appointment.


Right 10 in The Code

If you are not satisfied we need to know. We treat complaints seriously. Each complaint is an opportunity to look carefully at how we do things and to see if we can improve the way we provide health care. We aim to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion and, where appropriate, take action to ensure the situation does not arise again. If you are unhappy about how you were treated, you may take your concerns directly to the person who provided the service to you. If you are not satisfied or you do not feel able to talk to them, you may write a letter to our Practice Manager who is the Complaints Officer for Doctors on Riccarton. The Complaints Officer will thoroughly assess the complaint, decide what actions need to be taken and communicate with you on how best to resolve the issue. Letters can be addressed to:

Practice Manager
Doctors on Riccarton
183 Riccarton Road
Christchurch 8014

or phone: +64 3 348 8989 and ask to speak to the Practice Manager.

Alternatively, use an advocate to find someone in your area to assist you to resolve your complaint. An advocate assists by listening to your complaint, giving you information about your rights and options for resolution – then supporting your option.

Free Phone: 0800 555 050
Free Fax: 0800 2 SUPPORT / 0800 2787 7678

Patient Privacy

Health Information Privacy

Our practice follows the rules set out below whenever we collect, use, store or disclose information about your health.

Collecting your health information

When we collect health information from you we will:

  • only collect the information for the purpose of treating you (or for some related purpose);
  • collect the information directly from you unless you have authorised us to collect the information from someone else (or we have some other
  • lawful reason for collecting the information from someone else); and
  • tell you why we are collecting the information and what we will do with it.

Using your health information

We will not use your health information for any purpose other than for the purpose of treating you unless we get your consent or we will use your information in a way that doesn’t identify you (or where we have some other lawful reason for doing so).

Storing your health information

We will store your health information securely so that only authorised people can access or use your information.

Disclosing your health information

We will not disclose your health information to anyone without your consent unless we have a lawful reason for doing so.

Access and correction of your health information

You can ask us to confirm whether we hold information about you. If we hold information about you, you have the right to access the information.

You can ask us to correct any information that we hold about you if you think that the information is inaccurate. If we refuse to correct your information, you can ask us to put a note on your information that states that you have asked for the correction to be made.


If you have any concerns about any matter relating to your health information, please ask to speak to our privacy officer, the Practice Manager.

Health Information Sharing – HealthOne

Some of your health information is shared between healthcare providers. This is done through a secure record system called HealthOne that stores health information including GP records, prescribed medications and test results. Authorised healthcare providers such as GPs, community nurses, pharmacists and hospital doctors and nurses can access your information stored in HealthOne.

HealthOne came about as a matter of urgency following the Christchurch earthquake. Sharing health information means that if you see another healthcare provider in Christchurch Hospital or medical centres, they can access your vital health information such as prescribed medications, lab results and medical conditions. This is important, especially in emergency situations as it means:

  • other healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about your healthcare
  • they are not relying on you to remember your medical history and the prescribed medications you take
  • there is no need to repeat tests such as blood tests and Xrays or scans


Your health information is available only to your healthcare team, no-one else. It remains confidential and there are security checks in place to monitor who has accessed your records and why.

You can choose not to share your information by

telling your GP during a visit or consultation (this includes requests to mark specified lab results confidential*)
telling your pharmacist when having a prescription filled
calling Freephone 0508 837 872 (0508 TESTSAFE)
emailing with your full name, DoB and postal address

If You Choose Not to Share Your Information

Health professionals caring for you may not immediately have the information they need to provide you with the best and safest care possible. If you are thinking of opting off, please discuss your options with our Practice Manager or contact the Freephone number above.

For more information on HealthOne, please click here.