Criteria Standard Evidence
7.1 National screening unit programmes: The practice meets the screening and recall requirements for their enrolled and eligible population as per the guidelines
  • Describe how patients are referred to national screening programmes. 
  • Audit results which differentiate screening rates by ethnicity and Māori data included in the Māori Health Plan.
  • Identify who on the team is responsible for the recall procedure and a documented process how recalls are undertaken.
  • Explain any additional approaches made to ensure equitable screening rates for under-screened populations (e.g. Māori and Pasifika).
7.2 National immunisation schedule: The practice identifies and recalls all patients requiring immunisations.
  • Data showing rates of immunisations and recall by age and ethnicity including for Māori. 
  • Identify who on the team is responsible for immunisation recalls and a documented process on how recalls are undertaken.
7.3 Cold Chain
The practice follows the Ministry of Health National Standards for Vaccine Storage and Transportation for Immunisation Providers 2017 (2nd Edition) (National Standards).
  • Current Cold Chain Accreditation certificate. 
7.4 Authorised Vaccinators
Practice team members responsible for performing immunisations on the National Schedule hold current vaccination authorisation.
  • Documented current vaccination authorisations from Medical Officer of Health. 
  • Standing orders for those vaccinating outside the jurisdiction of vaccinator authorisation or with pending vaccinator authorisation.