Criteria Standard Evidence
3.1 The practice has identified and understands the health needs of Māori. The practice collaborates with local Māori organisations, provider groups and whānau to deliver on these needs
  • A Māori health plan updated annually that includes examples of how the practice has identified and planned to address inequity in Māori health outcomes within their practice.
  • A description of how collaborative relationships with iwi and/or whānau ora collectives contribute to the Māori health plan and the wellbeing of Māori patients and whānau.
  • A review of the existing practice team composition as a representation of your community to identify gaps for recruitment and support mechanisms to retain Māori team members 
 3.2 The practice educates all team members in Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its application to improve health equity for patients, family or whānau, including Māori as tangata whenua
  • Completed staff training records.
 3.3 The practice ensures all team members are supported with pronouncing te reo patient, clinic, service provider and local place names.
  • Te reo Māori signage and resources.
  • Activities/resources to assist staff to use correct te reo pronunciation, particularly Māori patients names