Criteria Standard Evidence
2.1 The practice understands and implements the current Privacy Act and Health Information Privacy Code.
  • Completed staff training records.
    Privacy Officer (Privacy 101, Health 101); Other Staff (Privacy Act 2020, Health ABC)
  • A documented privacy policy and health information security policy and procedure.
2.2  The practice registers and/or enrols patients consistent with current Ministry of Health guidelines.
  •  A patient enrolment form including a privacy statement.
2.3 The practice ensures newly enrolled patient records are reviewed by a clinician.
  • A documented records transfer policy and procedure and for patient records in and out of the practice, including timeframes.
 2.4 The practice provides patients with information about how the practice will inform them of their test results.
  • Verbally and/or in writing e.g. leaflet, brochure, poster, or by notice on the patient portal or practice website.
 2.5  The practice ensures environmental privacy for patients and their whānau.
  • Describe and/or demonstrate how the physical environment maintains patient/whānau privacy. For example, reception area document handling and phone etiquette, curtaining, private rooms, soundproof areas.