Criteria Standard Evidence
13.1 The practice complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
  • A documented health and safety policy and hazard and risks register.
  • A record of any health and safety incidents (including ‘near misses’) and resultant actions taken.
  • Completed team training records including certification of any required training, for example; health and safety representative, if applicable. 
  • A documented induction plan and process for all team members, including GPEP registrars and volunteers.
13.2 The practice complies with the  Hazardous Substances Regulations 2017.
  • An inventory of all the hazardous substances at your workplace, including substance type, quantity and location and associated data safety sheets. 
  • Hazardous substances in your workplace are added to the hazards and risks register. 
  • Team members working with hazardous substances are trained to work safely with them. 
  • Team members managing highly hazardous substances (eg , class 6.1A and 6.1B substances) have certified handling certificates or work directly under the supervision of a certified handler.
13.3 The practice complies with the National Adverse Events Reporting Policy by recording, reviewing, analysing and mitigating all adverse events, incidents and near misses.
  • Incident/adverse event risk management policy and processes.
  • Maintain an up-to-date register of adverse events and near misses
13.4 The practice is safe and accessible for patients and their whanau.
  • Provide external signage that is clear, visible, well placed, and readable from a distance.
  • Ensure adequate space, seating, heating, lighting and ventilation.
  • Provide appropriate seating for patients with mobility and/or other needs.
  • Ensure there are accessible entrances and doorways.
  • Provide an accessible toilet.