Criteria Standard Evidence
11.1 The practice has the available equipment and medicines specified in Appendix 1.
  •  Required equipment and medicines are available.
11.2 The practice ensures all medical equipment is serviced, calibrated and verified annually.
  • Documented annual servicing, calibration and remedial work as required.
11.3  The practice ensures stock levels are routinely checked and expiry dates of all medicines are documented and monitored
  • Documented checking of all stock levels and expiry dates at a practice- agreed frequency.
11.4 The practice ensures medicines are secured and out of reach by unauthorised people.
  • Demonstrate medicines are secured and out of reach by unauthorised persons.
11.5 The practice ensures portable emergency equipment including emergency medicines, specified in Appendix 1, are stored in a single secure location readily accessible by all clinicians.
  • Demonstrate emergency equipment/medicines are stored in a single, secure and accessible location.
11.6 The practice has residual current devices (RCDs) where electrical medical devices are used.
  •  Demonstrate the safe use of  RCDs in all applicable areas.