Te Poutama Arahi Rangitahi

Te Poutama Ārahi Rangatahi is a specialist residential treatment facility located in Christchurch, contracted to Barnardos by Child, Youth and Family, and the Ministry of Education. The facility was built in 1999 to provide residential treatment and schooling for boys aged 12-17 years who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour.  Treatment is provided until they are deemed ready and able to reintegrate back into the community safely. This can be anywhere from nine months to two years.

Services Provided

Home visits for residents

Staff involved in the care of the boys must be authorised by Te Poutama staff. Currently Selena provides monthly nurse visits, usually on the first Wednesday of the month. Dr Kent Johnston does an on-site visit for new admissions.

Off-site flu vaccines for staff and residents
Work related ACC and medical services for staff

Faxed Prescriptions for residents
Qualmed Pharmacy
14 Pope Street, Addington (behind Placemakers, Riccarton)
Fax 943 7569

Off-site visits
$75 / hr for nurse
$190 / hr for Doctor Kent Johnston. 1hr + 45mins travel ($190 + $142.50) = $332.50


Lorna Craig – Receptionist
Ph: 349 0088
Ext: 214 (for residents)
Fax: 349 0118

Alison Rance – Senior Administrator

Postal Address
PO Box 6090
Upper Riccarton
Christchurch 8442