Move Logistics

MOVE Logistics is a warehousing and transport company.

Services Provided by Doctors on Riccarton

  • ACC – employee to bring in incident form – As at 2022 is an accredited employer
  • Medical consultations if requested by the company.

ACC consults – need to indicate what alternative duties are


  • Appointments will be made by Move Logistics management.
  • Purchase Order Number is required for each visit. Please ask the person making the appointment to supply one.


  1. All invoices must include the purchase order no.
  2. All invoices must be emailed to:
  3. Invoices and statements sent to the accounts payable email address are required as single PDF files. You may send one email containing multiple invoices, but they must all be as single PDF’s.
  4. All invoices and statements are required by the 3rd working day of the following month to guarantee that payment will be made by the due date.


Jason Law

75 Seymours Road


M: 027 444 2069