McConnell Dowell

McConnell Dowell is a major engineering, construction, building and maintenance contractor. They are involved with the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) helping to rebuild Christchurch. as well as other infrastructure planned for the city.

They are involved in many different projects so there is more than one office and different contact people.
– CIR (Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild)
– SCIRT (different small projects with different contact people)

Since 2014, we have mainly been dealing with the CIR team which is now based in Sockburn. See later in this page for contact details.

Services Provided by Doctors on Riccarton

  • Pre-Employment Medicals
  • Cook Island Project – Cook Island Immigration Medicals
  • Driver’s Medicals
  • Lab testing for Hepatitis A (HepA IgG Ab)
  • Vaccinations for Hepatitis A
  • Vaccinations for Tetanus
  • Flu vaccinations
  • ACC work injuries

Pre-Employment Medical Process

  1. Appointment: 60 mins nurse + 15 mins Dr
  2. Fill in the pre-employment health and medical form (click on link below)
    Pre-employment Medical form
  3. Nurse to perform:
    Check Booking Confirmation for extra tests, if any. This is usually emailed through with PO# at time of booking by HR personnel.
    Check Candidate Assessment form, this is completed by the candidate prior to the appt. Standard requirements:
    Urine Drug Screen
    Alcohol breathalyzer test

Non-negative urine drug screen results – Instructions

  1. All non-negative urine tests (i.e. tests that come back +ve for substances) are to be sent to Canterbury Health Labs. Only accredited nurses (Carolyn/Selena/Vivian/Lynne) can do this. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP the ORIGINAL URINE SAMPLE!
  2. Cost is $130. Write charge to Doctors on Riccarton on lab form.
  3. Inform Shyahara Hayford that the urine test has come back non-negative. See later in this page for contact details.

Non-negative alcohol breathalyzer results –  Instructions

Schedule a recheck immediately for the following day.

Administrator – Post Consult

  1. Invoice McConnell Dowell. Wait till the end of the month then email all individual invoices to:
  2. Scan the medical to the Indici, save to folder named: McConnell Dowell
  3. Email completed medical report to:

Pre-employment Medical Fees

  • Fees
  • Medical
  • Urine Drug Screen
  • Audiogram
  • Spirometry
  • Alcohol Breath Test
  • Total
  • $
  • 132
  • 35
  • 45
  • 45
  • 15
  • 272

Cook Island Project – Employee requirements

1. Cook Island Immigration Medical (same as old NZ Immigraton Medical Form prior to July 2011). See instructions below
2. MacDow Employment Medical (see Employment Medical session for instructions)

Appointment: 1.25 hr Nurse + 30 mins Dr + 15min Xray

Cook Island Immigration Medical

For immigration only without the employment medical, please book appointment: 30mins Nurse + 15 mins Dr

Medical fee is exactly the same as the NZ Immigration Medical:

$235  Medical Service Fee + Chest xray + LAB fees (check with dr)

Lab form for McConnell Dowell immigration medical in Medtech documents
code: LABMCD – Lab-MacDow Immigratn

Steps for Administrator – Post Consult

  1. Invoice McConnell Dowell. Wait till the end of the month then email all individual invoices.
  2. Email a copy of the immigration medical to: (along with employment medical).
  3. Scan report to Indici and call patient to come collect the original.

ACC Work Injuries

All McConnell Dowell work injuries are to be invoiced to WorkAon, both ACC claim and the surcharge fee. The surcharge fee is always the “casual” surcharge fee. There is no purchase order required.


Shyahara De Silva
HR Advisor
Phone: 09 573 3766  Mobile: 021 924 403
510 Mt Wellington Highway I Auckland 1060

Project office site: Unit 7A, 4-6 O’Briens Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch Canterbury 8042
The PO number should start with 2487.

Shaelah Hayford
Communications Administrator
Phone: 03 345 8953 Mobile: 021 800 647