Nimenrix or Menactra
Protects against meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis groups A, C, Y and W. Meningitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Protects against pneumococcal disease caused by 23 types of Streptococcus pneumoniae. People with pneumococcal disease can spread the bacteria to others when they cough or sneeze. Pneumococcus bacteria can cause infections in many parts of the body, including lungs (pneumonia), ears (otitis), sinuses (sinusitis), brain and spinal cord tissue (meningitis) and blood (bacteremia).
Prevenar 13
Protects against pneumococcal disease caused by 13 types of Streptococcus pneumoniae. People with pneumococcal disease can spread the bacteria to others when they cough or sneeze. Pneumococcus bacteria can cause infections in many parts of the body, including lungs (pneumonia), ears (otitis), sinuses (sinusitis), brain and spinal cord tissue (meningitis) and blood (bacteremia).
Priorix or MMR
Protects against measles, mumps and rubella.
Measles is a disease caused by a highly contagious virus. People with measles spread the virus through the air when they cough, sneeze or breathe. Symptoms of measles may include rash, high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. Some people who become sick with measles also get a serious lung infection, such as pneumonia. Although severe cases are rare, measles can cause swelling of the brain and even death.
Mumps is a disease caused by a virus. People with mumps spread the virus when they cough, sneeze, or talk, share items that may have saliva on them, such as water bottles or cups, and participate in close-contact activities with others, such as playing sports, dancing, or kissing. Mumps symptoms may include fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, loss of appetite, and swollen and tender glands under the ears or jaw on one or both sides of the face (parotitis).
Rubella, also called German measles, is a disease caused by a virus. People with rubella spread the virus through the air when they cough or sneeze. Many people who get rubella never have symptoms or have only mild symptoms. For people who have symptoms, a red rash is typically the first sign. Other symptoms can include fever, headache, red eyes, general discomfort, swollen and enlarged lymph nodes, cough, and runny nose. Rubella infection in a pregnant woman is dangerous. If a pregnant woman gets rubella, her baby could have birth defects such as deafness, cataracts, heart defects, mental disabilities, and organ damage.
Varilrix or Varivax
Protects against varicella (chickenpox). Chickenpox is very itchy. Sometimes children scratch the blisters and they can become infected. Other symptoms of chickenpox are: tiredness, fever, general aches and pains.
Protects against herpes zoster (shingles). Shingles is a painful rash that develops on one side of the face, body or head. The rash is made up of small blisters that typically scab over after 7–10 days. Before the rash develops, people often have pain, itching or tingling in the area where the rash will develop. Other symptoms of shingles can include: fever, headache, chills and upset stomach.
Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus. You can get rabies if you are bitten or scratched by an animal with rabies. Rabies affects the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Without appropriate medical care, rabies causes brain disease and death. New Zealand has long been rabies free. However, if you are travelling to high risk countries of bitten overseas, rabies vaccine is stll recommended.
Protects against yellow fever which is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. We are an authorised yellow fever vaccination centre.