COVID-19 Information

COVID Medical Services Funding

From 1 July 2024, those aged 14 years and over will be charged for COVID-19 healthcare visits at their doctor as they would for any other non-COVID-19 healthcare visits.

All tamariki aged 13 and under who are eligible for publicly funded health services, are eligible for free visits during normal business hours at their usual doctor, hauora provider or healthcare provider, including for COVID-19 healthcare.

Click HERE to find out more about COVID-19 Symptoms, Testings, Isolation, Vaccines and Masks.

Staying Safe at Doctors on Riccarton

Doctors on Riccarton is committed to providing an environment that minimises the transmission of COVID-19 and any other infections.

To protect staff and other patients, particularly vulnerable patients, we recommend everyone in our clinic to

  • Wear a mask if you have any Flu or Covid-like symptoms
  • Sanitise your hands when entering and leaving our building
  • Refrain from entering the clinic if you have Covid like symptoms
  • Answer our screening questions honestly

If you or your children have any Covid-like symptoms, we encourage patients to arrange a phone consult or a video consult. This way of seeing your doctor and other health providers helps maintain physical distance as much as possible to help reduce the transmission of Covid-19.

If you need a face-to-face consult while you have any COVID-like symptoms, please inform our receptionist. We can arrange a car park consult for you. The nurse and/or doctor will see you in the car park with Personal Protection Equipment (like masks, face shields and/or gowns).